Complaints Procedure

Sometimes things go wrong, they may be outside of our control or within it but know that customer service is at the heart of all of Phones From Home’s service and by having this policy is showing commitment to that excellence Phones From Home strives to deliver. Whether you are a commercial or private client you are taken seriously and this should be well reflected within this policy and the terms and conditions of business.
Policy type
Complaints policy
Date policy implemented
1st December 2020
Review date
1st November 2024
Definition of key terms
Complaint: Any expression of dissatisfaction about Phones From Home’s action or lack of action or about the standard of a service, whether the action was taken or the service provided by Phones From Home itself or a person or body acting on behalf of Phones From Home.
Complainant: The individual, body or persons who has a complaint to make about Phones From Home and its workings.
Staff: any employee paid or unpaid that completes works or undertakings on the direct behalf of Phones From Home.
Policy scope
Phones From Home is committed to delivering an inclusive, unbiased service to all customers. All opportunity is given to customers to comment at any point in the relationship with either a compliment or a thought. Phones From Home also has a number of ways to be contacted including its social media, telephone, e-mail and via letter, where we aim to contact you back within 24 hours using the same preferred method used to contact initially. All contact details are kept up to date on our website and Facebook page.
Phones From Home endeavours to resolve every complaint at the first point of contact without the use of this formal complaints procedure. This policy may run in parallel with another policy or procedure or be used as an alternative to dealing with a complaint, depending on the nature of the complaint received.
This policy is not meant to be used as a method of redress for Phones From Home staff. All staff are expected to work together professionally even if they hold differences of opinion and views. For staff, there are a number of ways to raise concern including the Whistleblowing policy or a complaint to your line manager.
Policy requirements
All complaints are to be addressed to Wayne at Phones From Home using the preferred method as outlined above. Phones From Home will try to resolve your complaint at the first point of contact, using the Terms of Service1 to find understanding as to what the complaint is around and to find a solution in keeping with those terms. Should a complaint not be resolved at this first point of contact, the complainant is invited to send the complaint in writing to Wayne requesting the instigation of this policy. The complaint will be dealt with exclusively through written communications, either via post or email or social media. Whichever form the complainant addresses Phones From Home in will be assumed is the complainants preferred method.
The complaint sent via email should go to or through the official Facebook page
Should a complaint be submitted, Phones From Home will require reasonable time to respond to the complaint. The complainant will be acknowledged within 24 hours and responded to within 5 working days of the complaint, detailing who will be dealing with the complaint.
Phones From Home aims to close the complaint within five calendar weeks, depending upon the nature of the requirements to close it. Should it need to take longer, this will be indicated and a time frame given.
Thecomplainantmustconfirmwithintheircomplaintiftheywishforittobe treated confidentially as some of your complaint may need to be dealt with via an involved third party, however the complainant must acknowledge that their details will be shared with Phones From Home trusted agents and third parties for the purpose of resolving their complaint. Should the complainant not wish to share their personal details, the complainant must accept that “no further action” may be taken as a result, dependent upon the nature of the complaint. This will be outlined in the full and final offered resolution from Phones From Home.
This policy will be made available to the complainant at any point upon request, but supplied on receipt of a written complaint.
Receipt of the complaint
On receipt of the complaint, this will be acknowledged by the preferred contact method by the addressed individual (or most appropriate individual to address the complaint received) within 5 working days.
If the complainant has confirmed that they wish to be treated confidentially, this will be acknowledged within this letter.
The next steps to address the complaint will be outlined in this letter Investigating the complaint
Phones From Home will need to investigate the facts of the complaint and collate relevant evidence, referring to the Terms of Service at all times.
The person dealing with the complaint will allow one verbal representation
during the process, if requested, with a time agreed mutually between both
parties. This will extend the process of the investigation.
The verbal representation will consist of one telephone call for clarification
points on an already articulated written message from the complainant. Phones From Home operates a zero tolerance policy to abuse of staff and as such should this occur the representation, or complaint, will be terminated.
The decision of the complaint
Within the specified timeframes Phones From Home will write to the complainant to confirm whether or not it has upheld the complaint. This will come with reasons for the decision together with any details of actions taken by Phones From Home if appropriate and where GDPR allows.
Phones From Home will refer to the terms and conditions of business and the shoot purchased when making a decision on the complaint. Once this decision has been made and communicated, this decision is final.
Should the complaint be upheld, such as Phones From Home has clearly not adhered to their terms and conditions of business, wherever possible a mutually agreeable resolution will be offered. Should this not be accepted, one final offer will be made. This offer may include an offer of an alternative handset/device or a reasonable refund from the payment for your product.
Should the complainant have not adhered to the terms and conditions of business, this will render the complaint void.
Phones From Home does not accept loss or liability toward incidental or third party losses as a result of any upheld complaint.
Any complaint found to not have been upheld will be communicated using the preferred contact method. All decisions by Phones From Home are final.

Associated Legislation
Please be aware that Phones From Home operate with a Warranty Guarantee which can be found in the Terms of Service. All products provided are sold in good faith as being fit for their intended purpose, as described and we respect the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 with pre sale checks on all equipment. For example when listed, comprehensive photos of all equipment are included to demonstrate, if any, cosmetic damages for you to evaluate prior to purchase at the displayed price. Should legislation change before this policy is updated, Phones From Home endeavour to ensure that this is updated as swiftly as possible but the enduring legislation that will be referred to will be the one which was in force at the time of the purchase or sale.
This can be found here: